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The Las Positas Court focus area is approximately 75 acres and currently includes low-lying industrial/office buildings and undeveloped land that fronts I-580 along with highway-oriented retail commercial uses. Considerations for the northern portion of this focus area include Arroyo Las Positas, flood plain limitations, limited access across the creek and biological resources. All of the alternatives propose adding residential south of Las Positas Court along with a new open space corridor, while preserving or expanding the existing commercial and industrial/office space north of Las Positas Court.

Projected jobs, housing, and population growth in the Las Positas Court Focus Area under each alternative are shown below:

Residential Alternative Neighborhood Center AlternativeHighway Oriented Alternative
Existing (2020) 2045 Net New 2045 Total 2045 Net New 2045 Total 2045 Net New 2045 Total
Housing Units 0 80 85 140 140 280 280
Population 0 200 200 370 370 760 760
Jobs 250 1,000 1,250 1,100 1,350 2,670 2,920

This survey closed on March 4, 2024. You may review comments submitted on this page.

Residential Alternative

The Residential Alternative includes a mix of open space, industrial, and residential land uses. This alternative explores adding Residential Low Density and Mixed Industrial-Office Uses to the south and north of Las Positas Court respectively. The area surrounding Arroyo Las Positas Creek would be designated for Open Space as would the hills to the south of the Focus Area.

Neighborhood Center Alternative

The Neighborhood Center Alternative includes a mix of agricultural, industrial, commercial and residential uses. This alternative designates the area south of I-580 and north of Arroyo Las Positas Creek for agricultural uses, which would serve as a visual gateway to the South Livermore wine country. Open Space buffers the Arroyo Las Positas Court and the hillsides to the south of the Focus Area. Mixed Industrial-Commercial occurs north of Las Positas Court and Residential Medium Density, Residential Low Density, and Neighborhood Commercial occur to the south.

Highway Oriented Alternative

The Highway Oriented Alternative includes a mix of industrial and residential land uses with limited open space uses. This alternative is the most developed of the three alternatives with the greatest amount of area designated as industrial uses. This alternative designates the land fronting I-580 for General Industrial and Mixed Industrial-Office uses. Open Space buffers the Arroyo Las Positas Court and the hillsides to the south of the Focus Area. The area north of Las Positas Court and south of the creek would be designated for General Industrial and Mixed Industrial-Office uses and the area to the south would include Residential Medium-High Density uses and Mixed Industrial-Office fronting North Livermore Avenue. Developing land north of Arroyo Las Positas creek could be challenging due to constrained site access. In addition, the City of Livermore has an offer of dedication to preserve open space on a portion of the area. Although it is possible to reverse this dedication, it could be a cumbersome and uncertain process.