
For mobile view, swipe left through the tabs to explore the three concepts and complete the survey.

For desktop, click through the tabs explore the three Land Use Concepts and complete the survey at the end.

What are Land Use Concepts?

Land Use Concepts show the potential future for a site. Concepts include different intensities and designs of:

  • Land uses, like housing, commercial and open space;
  • Urban design; and
  • Circulation and access options.

Each concept has different impacts or outcomes related to the project goal.

The concepts for the FDC Specific Plan were developed using community feedback, input from city officials and decision-makers, and in consideration of existing surrounding uses.

How are Concepts Studied?

The FDC Land Use Concepts have been studied for:

  • Market feasibility
  • Traffic impacts and access options
  • Infrastructure impacts and timing for necessary updates
Each of the Land Use Concepts were evaluated for how they align with community priorities and feedback. As you browse each concept, you will learn about the analysis results.

Why is my input important?

Costa Mesa is made up of you, the community. You live, work, travel, walk, and enjoy the City.

Your insight is valuable in understanding the opportunities and future impacts for consideration.

Let's dive in!

Scroll back up to click through the tabs to review each concept, then take the survey!