Why Focus on Environmental Resiliency and Sustainability?

Environmental resiliency and sustainability are critical to the success of the Downtown Shoreline Vision Plan because both are necessary to realize a Vision for 2050. The Forum on this topic will focus on foreseeable environmental challenges likely to impact the natural environment and ecology of the area, and discussions will explore how sustainable solutions can be deployed to improve resiliency, restore ecological concerns, and promote the long-term viability of the Vision.

What is environmental resilience?

Environmental resilience is the ability of the environment to withstand or recover from a disturbance. The environment includes the built environment, the natural environment, and the local ecology.

What is sustainability?

Sustainability is the ability to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

What are we talking about?

  • How should the City maintain an ecological balance in in the natural environment and conserve natural resources in the Downtown Shoreline to support the wellbeing of current and future generations?
  • How can future uses be designed to ensure they have a low impact on the environment (water quality, water pollution, air quality, greehouse gas emissions)?
  • Are there areas or edges that should have more of a natural feel versus other areas that can be more urban (buildings, roadways, structures)?
  • How should green spaces be integrated in to placemaking designs of the Downtown Shoreline?
  • What type of edge condition should be considered to protect inland areas from rising waters?
  • What are the lowest-impact options for stabilizing the shoreline?.
  • Given that water quality improvements in this area will require upstream interventions, what can be done in the project area to contribute to cleaner waters?
  • What opportunities exist to integrate best practices for sustainability?
  • Where is it appropriate to consider ecological enhancements in the area?

Note: Talking points are subject to change.