BIG IDEA: A western gateway to PD6

How could this BIG IDEA evolve in the future?

How does this BIG IDEA address the themes of the guiding principles?


  • A deck built over the freeway addresses the barrier on Shoreline Drive and connects West Gateway to the water through multi-modal connections
  • Realigned and graded Magnolia Avenue/Queensway Bridge East-west connection at Aquarium Way directly connects the west waterfront to Rainbow Harbor and the Aquarium
  • Consolidation of Chancellor office parking enables more park space and a connected trail along the waterfront at Catalina Landing

Economic Resiliency

  • Creates potential for infill development adjacent and on the deck above Shoreline Drive
  • Catalina Landing activated with better connectivity and access

Everyone's Shoreline

  • Creates more public park space on the water, connected to larger bike and pedestrian trails
  • Reconnects West Village to the water

Environmental Resiliency and Sustainability

  • Creates opportunity for more green/ natural edges along the water

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