BIG IDEA: A modern and vibrant harbor focused on maritime activities

How could this BIG IDEA evolve in the future?

How does this BIG IDEA address the themes of the guiding principles?


  • Improved gateway / visual and physical connections to the water from Downtown along Pine Avenue
  • Improve east-west connections at Aquarium Way
  • Retractable ped/bike bridge creating continuous waterfront trail

Economic Resiliency

  • Creates improved urban harbor and visitor-serving destination with a grand promenade and destination attractions fronting the water and Shoreline Drive
  • More opportunity for maritime activity with better docks in the harbor
  • Redevelopment of The Pike as mixed-use

Everyone's Shoreline

  • Preserves existing waterfront open spaces/recreation
  • Celebrates history as recreational/entertainment waterfront
  • Creates community benefits with new development/ attractions

Environmental Resiliency and Sustainability

  • Upgrades to the harbor esplanade can adapt to future Sea Level Rise and storm surges.

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