BIG IDEA: A more active waterfront with varied, connected destinations and affordable activities for everyone

How could this BIG IDEA evolve in the future?

How does this BIG IDEA address the themes of the guiding principles?


  • Harbor loop/destination trails target specific streets to redesign/upgrade, enhancing connectivity to Downtown and regional connection nodes
  • Retractable pedestrian/bike path creates continuous waterfront trail

Economic Resiliency

  • Enhances Rainbow Harbor to create an improved visitor-serving destination, attractions fronting the water and income-producing uses
  • Higher density of attractions that provide a reason to stay

Everyone's Shoreline

  • Preserves existing waterfront open spaces/recreation
  • Celebrates history as recreational/entertainment waterfront

  • Creates community benefits with new development/ attractions

Environmental Resiliency and Sustainability

  • Upgrades to the harbor esplanade can adapt to future Sea Level Rise and storm surges, though hard-edge solutions may be required

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